Home Gaming News The Elden Ring player, self-dubbed “First Elden Sandwich,” is racking up daily...

The Elden Ring player, self-dubbed “First Elden Sandwich,” is racking up daily unsuccessful beatings of Messmer until Nightreign arrives, because the Souls game


Elden Ring Nightreign was one of the big headlines at The game Awards, and registrations for a network test will open this week. That’s pretty fast, but it’s clearly not fast enough for some hardcore Souls fans, and one of them decided to set themselves the challenge of dishing out a no-hit boss every day until it comes out.

If you somehow missed Nightreign’s announcement, it’s a co-op-focused title that will allow multiple players to take on FromSoftverse bosses in collaborative environments. So yeah, Elden Ring with your friends in a way that doesn’t just leave each other naughty notes.

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At the time of writing, Nightreign does not have a concrete release date as such: it will arrive in 2025, but we have no idea when. That hasn’t stopped YouTuber Chickensandwich420, who is the “first Elden sandwich” according to his channel description, from going on a quest to kill time (thanks, TheGamer).

Basically, they haven’t had success killing Messmer, the fire/snake bad guy from Shadow of the Erdtree, every day since December 16, using a different weapon each time, so things don’t get stale. I have no idea where that thing being a sandwich comes into play, but I guess it helps somehow. As of now, they have just passed the 21st, and the slaughter on the 22nd should arrive today.

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The challenge is running on NG+7, and as described in the description of their debut video, Chickensandwich420 seems to have at least thought about contingencies in case the game doesn’t arrive early this year. “Originally, [I] I was going to make different Fromsoft bosses for all the games (you know, Nightreign is a multiverse game), but I’m lazy. [and] It’s my last year at university, so I don’t want to waste time bothering bosses instead of working. If this game doesn’t come out by the end of June, I will expand it to other games.”

They did something similar with Maliketh in the lead-up to Shadow of the Erdetree’s release in June last year, so they’re clearly capable of taking on boss-killing duties. We hope they have plenty of sarnies stashed away in case Nightreign turns out to be a fall release.

For more talk on Elden Ring, be sure to check out why James chose Erdtree as his GOTY despite it being DLC, and our coverage of the “strategic capital and business alliance” Sony and Fromsoft parent company Kadokawa established at the end of last year.

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