The League of each country wins a coefficient classification based on how its teams are held in the three UEFA Male Clubs competitions: the Champions League, the Europa League and the Conference.
Coefficient points are obtained through the results of the party: two for a victory and one for a draw.
The points won by the clubs of the National League are added and divided by the amount of clubs that the League has in Europe.
For example, if the Premier League had 100 points, that would be divided by the number of teams that play in Europe (seven), giving England a coefficient of 14.28.
This season, bonus points are available for clubs that play in the Champions League, which is advantageous for leagues with more clubs that compete in it, such as Germany and Italy.
The countries that end in the two best places of the coefficient table win an additional place in the Champions League for the next season.
These places are granted to the teams that end in the first position below the standard allocation of the Champions League in those leagues.
In the Premier League, the four best clubs are automatically classified for the Champions League through the League post, so any additional place would go to the team in fifth.
Additional points were given for the 2024-25 Champions League to Bologna and Borussia Dortmund, who finished fifth in Serie A and the Bundesliga respectively.