Home Gaming News Nintendo’s Expansion Plans Delayed New Development Centre

Nintendo’s Expansion Plans Delayed New Development Centre


Nintendo’s Expansion Plans Delayed Development Centre to Accommodate Growth.

Nintendo is making waves yet again with its ambitious plans for expansion. Due to the business’s need for expansion, it recently bought a sizable plot of land close to its main office in Kyoto, Japan. This strategic move is aimed at establishing a new development centre initially slated for swift completion. According to recent report, Nintendo is contemplating a significant alteration in its plans to ensure the centre’s readiness for future expansion.

The centerpiece of Nintendo’s expansion strategy is the new development centre, tentatively named Corporate Headquarters Development Centre Building No 2. Spanning an impressive 10,000 square meters, the site was procured at a cost of ¥5 billion ($34.7 million). The original blueprint outlined a 12-storey building set to be finished by 2027, as reported by Nikkei.

Nintendo’s anticipation of long-term growth informs its strategic thinking. The company anticipates a boost in the need for its goods and services, which will increase the need for staff. To accommodate this envisioned growth, Nintendo is contemplating the addition of extra floors to the development centre. This expansion would inevitably extend the completion timeline, potentially pushing it back to 2028 or beyond.

The location of Nintendo’s new development center as of right now

Nintendo’s most recent recruiting projects are a clear sign of its growth strategy. In fiscal year 2023, the company hired a staggering 130 new graduates. This figure shows a startling 50% increase in recruitment levels from three years ago. Shuntaro Furukawa, the office of president of Nintendo, emphasized the necessity of this expansion by saying, “The development resources required per piece of software are increasing. We would like to maintain the level of recruitment of the past few years.”

Nintendo Switch console’s unexpected success has been responsible for the decision to increase its development capabilities. Because of  rapid growth of the gaming system’s. Company now has the resources to investigate potential new growth directions. Nintendo announced in November 2021, it intended to direct resources toward new business ventures, such as the expansion of its capacity for game development.

During a management briefing, Furukawa announced Nintendo’s plans to invest up to ¥100 billion yen ($800 million) to bolster its internal game development potential. Additionally, the company intends to allocate up to ¥50 billion yen ($400 million) towards enhancing its non-game entertainment software assets, such as movies.

Nintendo is making a slight detour on its path to improve its development capabilities. The initial plans for a compact, 12-storey development centre are undergoing reconsideration, as the company envisions a future where growth necessitates a more significant physical presence. Nintendo is setting sail for an exciting future of innovation and growth, with a potential completion date pushed back to 2028 or beyond.



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