A recently discovered Nintendo patent has thrown new light on the company’s secret game test game, which potentially links it to key developers of past projects. The patent, published under the number US 20250083046List Yusuke Amano, Tsubasa Sakaguchi, Masaki Wada and Shinya Yano as their inventors. Amano and Sakaguchi previously directed ChisoteanteAlthough Sakaguchi then changed to work in Nintendo Labo. Wada and Yano, meanwhile, contributed as programmers in Fit Ring Fit adventure.
The patent describes the mechanics related to the Sandbox style game, which focuses specifically on the methods to restrict the actions of the players within a designated area. This function seems designed to avoid duel, a common problem in multiplayer construction games such as Minecraft and RABLX. Given the characteristics of the patent, speculation suggests that the game‘s current game proof game, which revolves around cooperative planetary development, could be the project that uses this technology.
The previous reports indicated that Nintendo had started a closed game test for an unleasized online game, with access granted through the Nintendo Switch Online: Playtest Program. The project, destined to remain confidential under a strict Non -dissemination agreement (NDA)He quickly committed when some participants leaked images and transmitted the game online.
Of the filtered images, the game seems to be a Third Person Sandbox title similar to Minecraft either Dragon Quest builders. Players build large settlements using blocks, with a game loop focused on Collaborative planetary development. A key feature implies the use of BeaconsTools that allow players to heal parts of the planet and expand their territory. The world is divided into sections known as Planetary blocksAnd each player handles his Beacon zonewhere they can build structures and modify their environment.
Public areas encourage cooperation, where players collect resources and contribute to large -scale construction projects. However, staff Beacon zones introduce an element of strategy, since players must Safeguard your resources while continuing to expand its influence.
Multiplayer experience seems to focus on Development nucleusA center where players collect materials, update skills and interact with others. The advance is measured through Development pointsthat are gained by contributing to planetary growth. These points help increase the Level of developmentunlocking new creative tools and options. Besides, Connex points They are rewarded for committing to the game community, further encouraging cooperative game.
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