Home Gaming News Batman Part 2 was delayed again, but James Gunn at least offered...

Batman Part 2 was delayed again, but James Gunn at least offered a pretty simple reason behind the decision.


Turns out you’ll be waiting even longer for The Batman: Part 2, as the movie suffered another year of delay.

Batman 2 was originally supposed to release in October of next year, but in March the sequel received a delay of an entire year, pushing it back to October 2026. Annoying for those excited about the sequel, but what’s one more year? Well, I guess the question I should be asking myself now is: what’s two more years, since Part 2 was delayed another whole year, this time to October 1, 2027? That means the film will now be released more than five years later. the original, which is a huge gap in time in the comic book movie years.

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DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn took to Threads to point out that long waits for sequels aren’t all that uncommon; however, writing “a gap of 5 years or more is quite common in sequels. 7 years between Alien and Aliens. 14 years between Incredibles.” 7 years between the first two Terminators, 13 years between Avatars, 36 years between Top Guns and, of course, 6 years between Guardians Vol 2 and Vol 3.

The Superman director also shared on Threads the rather simple reason the film received such a delay: the script isn’t ready yet. “The only reason for the delay is that there is no complete script (those of you who follow me here probably already know this). Matt [Reeves] is committed to making the best movie possible and no one can guess precisely how long it will take to write a script. “Once we have a finished script, there are about two years left for pre-production, filming and post-production for big films.”

It’s obviously not ideal for those of you who are desperate for more of Reeves’ version of Batman, but it’s better to get a good script than a rushed one. Plus, most DC fans’ eyes will be on Superman right now, especially after receiving his first trailer earlier this month.

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