There could almost have been a sequel to ET, but fortunately its director Steven Spielberg fought hard to make sure that did not happen.
I think we all know that it is quite rare for sequelae to justify. It happens sometimes, of course, sometimes even more rare they end better than the first! But, for the most part, it is better to leave movies in one and do to save all the anguish. ET is one of those films that I could never imagine to obtain a sequel, but as a result at one time the powers that were wanted. “That was a very close victory because he had no right,” Spielberg said in reference to preventing a sequel to ET while talking as part of the Classic TCM Film Festival: Pop-Up X 92ny event in New York. (through The Hollywood Reporter).
“Before ET, I had some rights, but I didn’t have many rights. I didn’t have what we call ‘freezing’, where you can prevent the study from doing a sequel because you control freezing in sequelae, remakes and other auxiliary uses of the IP. The director continued explaining that “he simply did not want to make a sequel.
“I flirted with him for a moment, just a little to see if I [could] Think of a story, and the only thing I could think about was a book that was written by the so -called ‘The Green Planet’, which was going to take place in the house of ET. We were all going to be able to go to ET’s house and see how ET lived. But it was better as a novel than I think it would have been like a movie. ”
The world would probably be a desolate wasteland for now if we had obtained a sequel, so we appreciate Spielberg to win at this particular point. In addition, I am sure that he earned money more than enough since it was once the highest grossing film of all time.