Colin: Once again, this team had a lower performance and the followers dropped us. The way a manager can continually choose players who do not play the club’s weekly football is unacceptable. This team is slow in the whole park, there are no players with drip rates or skills, not one can overcome one player one by one. We can all see who needs to go, there must be young hungry players with rhythm and determination. As soon as we admit an objective, we are in trouble. There is no creativity at all, too many midfielders who play in the same way.
David: Clarke did everything wrong. I was his greatest admirer, but he is not making it easier for him to support him. His stubbornness is costing us games. Ralston has the objective of each game, but continues to play. Che Adams was terrible both games, losing possession constantly, without submarine to halftime. Christie was far away, she went too late. Meanwhile, Greece made changes such as what he needs to do to obtain a different performance, and worked. Clarke did nothing, not even part -time, which was criminal. Then Gilmour was removed, our best in the center of the field, and everything collapsed. His refusal to adapt is to stop.
Miguel: That is probably the worst acting Clarke. After the initial 10 minutes, we were totally devoid of ideas on how to break the Greeks, physically lacked the rhythm and strength to compete, they did not pass or break with any speed or conviction and the worst of all had absolutely no passion to lift the crowd.
Tony: Scotland was absolutely desperate. His long balls did not go anywhere or they were not out of play. There was no energy or class on display. They were well and deservedly beaten.
Pedro: We made it so easy for Greece. A team with really decent players who punished us for a really unfortunate performance. Instead of moving forward, we have fallen into another hole … shameful!
Patrician: I hate that phrase staggers along the way. This was a marijuana hole.
Steven: Trust was high before the game, but what shocking performance after a great result in Greece. I could barely join two passes together. Congratulations to Greece. They looked better than us all over the field. It could have been more than three.
Kenny: It seemed that we were playing with 10 men and they had 12, since every time we had the ball there was no one to pass more than the other way around. They also seemed more in form and more clear and with an attack plan. We seemed clueless and we had Christie, who stayed with the kick, playing right, which exposed Ralston even more in the first half.
Henry: The manager has no hope. Lewis Ferguson is not retained (our best player in the first game), plays Christie out of position. He continues to choose McLean, who is obviously not an international class. The failure last night, all in the center of the field, but essentially we need a new leader in the band line.
Alan: Play Adams on your own without another Scottish within 30 meters of it will never work. The center of the field needed to be closer to him.
Allen: Most Clarke’s trusted players are disappointed. Players should play in the positions of their clubs, not try to fit them into systems that do not fit.
William: Clarke must leave. Fully negative football, boring to see. In my opinion, he went back. No fight or passion.