If it was tune in in Bethesda Community Modding Event C3 last month, one of the projects that could have caught was Fallout: Revelation Blues, a new adaptation of Las Vegas de las Fallout: Van Buren that has been in process for a while. Now, the modders behind this have launched the first demonstration of blues revelation, which gives you the opportunity to try the mod for you.
If the words ‘van Buren’ are not immediately, do not worry, here is the context you will need. When the original Fallout Black Isle Studios developers and the interaction still had control of the series, a team began working on what would have been a Fallout 3, but was canceled before it could see the light of day. That game was Van Buren, and it has become the issue of a lot of community intrigue, especially since Bethesda took over the IP and launched his own separate Fallout 3, you know, the one found in DC in which you have problems of dad of Liam Neeson.
Anyway, the history lesson ends. Fallout: Revelation Blues is the name of the new Las Vegas modification project that aims to create “a faithful adaptation” by Van Buren, which “[brings] The isometric experience in the 3D world for a new generation of fans. “In this first demonstration, his team has prepared” a fragment of the area we have developed “, which surrounds the city of Burham Springs, the accident of a mining community decimated by a large and burned fire in Van Buren’s original plans.
As for what to expect, the modders write that Burham Springs is: “A small mining city that was once under the control of NCR, now abandoned due to a terrible incident. You, the player can explore the ruins and make the story before you. The cannon.
There will be “some family faces such as the NCR, the BOS and the Powder Gangers” to be found while you explore the city, as well as some “new weather, new assets, new levels and much more added to make the environment even more striking and unique.” Among the images that the team has included is one of what seems like a robot made of a gasoline pump, which has definitely caught my attention. Please say he is a follower named Pumpy.
Modders recommend having a character that is at least around level 15 before going to this new area, which can be accessed through a train in Boulder City.
Let us know if you will review the demonstration of Revelation Blues and if you love a bit of Parchments Elder along with its consequences, be sure to see our chat with the leader of the Oblivion Remake Mod Skyblivion project before the C3 showcase itself of that project.