Ronda Rousey apologizes for sharing Sandy Hook conspiracy video 11 years ago: ‘She should be hated’

Ronda Rousey apologizes for sharing a conspiracy video about the 2013 Sandy Hook massacre. The former UFC and WWE champion posted the apology Friday morning after her latest fans’ Q&As were inundated with reminders. about their movements.

Rousey participated in an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit prior to this moment. Reddit’s predominant subform receives impressive visitors who respond to enthusiasts’ questions. The Reddit post was filled with reminders, jokes and requests for apologies after Rousey shared the conspiracy video 11 years ago. Reddit uses a voting device to determine which posts have the highest visibility. The government’s comment on Rousey’s AMA acknowledges a YouTube video Rousey shared in January 2013, according to Bleacher Record, a year after the December 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Fundamental College in Newton, Connecticut, which killed 20 children and six members of staff.

Rousey called the video “extremely interesting and a must see” in 2013 before deleting the tweet.

“I can’t tell you how many times I have rephrased this apology over the last 11 years,” Rousey wrote in the early hours of Friday morning. “How time and time again I have convinced myself that it was not the exact age or that I would cause much more damage by giving it. But 11 years ago I made the single most regrettable decision about my speed. I saw a video of the Sandy Hook conspiracy and I I reposted on Twitter. I didn’t even believe it, but I was so horrified by the fact that I was eager to have more lies to latch on to that I temporarily discovered my mistake and accepted it, however the injury was done once.

Rousey claimed she included an apology in her latest memoir before its author “begged” her to remove it. The apology was supposedly removed to avoid overshadowing the rest of the preserve.

“I convinced myself that apologizing would simply reopen the wound for no other reason than to selfishly try to feel better,” Rousey said. “Which would further hurt those who suffer and possibly drive more people into the black hole of conspiracy bullshit by bringing it up just so I can try to remove the label of being a ‘Sandy Hook truther.'”

The former UFC women’s bantamweight champion and three-time WWE women’s champion said she deserved any outrage directed at her. Rousey apologized for any pain her movements caused her.

“I deserve to be hated, labeled, detested, resented and worse,” Rousey said. “I deserve to miss every opportunity. It should have been canceled. I would have deserved it. I still deserve it. I apologize that this came 11 years too late, but to those affected by the Sandy Hooker massacre, from the bottom of In my heart and in what Deepest in my soul, I am so sorry for the pain I caused. I cannot begin to imagine the pain you have endured and words cannot describe how deeply sorry and ashamed I am for contributing to it. every day of my life since then and I will continue to do so until the day I die.

Rousey closed her comment by urging others misinformed through conspiracy theories to reconfigure their thinking. Rousey claimed that digesting such conspiracy theories was no longer fertile due diligence and that it would be best to cause damage.

“And for anyone who’s fallen into the black hole of shit, that doesn’t make you nervous or an independent thinker. You’re not doing your due diligence considering all the possibilities when digesting these conspiracies. They’ll just make you feel helpless. Scared, miserable and isolated. You are doing nothing but hurting others and yourself. Regardless of how many bridges you have burned, stop digging a deeper hole, no matter how deep it is. As long as you have gone down the wrong path, you should still. go back”.

You can read Rousey’s full comment below.

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